Navigatebydesign talks about collaboration
with Masterbundles

navigatebydesign were interviewed by Masterbundles about working in a  collaboration. Here’s an excerpt below from the interview:

navigatebydesign is an independent design business. From digital and print right through to packaging and point-of-sale, the company creates full design solutions for every sector and size. It strives to make the design process as enjoyable as possible whilst taking client’s objectives seriously. Laura Macaulay, the founder of navigatebydesign, answered our questions:

How often do you collaborate with others?

Roughly once every quarter. I hire contractors when I need extra resource or for a specialist skillset, for example; illustrative work, specialist 3D graphics, copywriters, programmers and SEO experts.

When outsourcing, where do you look?

I usually look through my design network on Linkedin, through word of mouth and through Google website searches.

What factors affect your hiring decisions?

Past work history and a recent work portfolio, I look at professional credentials, and I always refer to Linkedin and refer to any client reviews or testimonials.

Do you give a chance to novices, or do you prefer experienced designers?

Typically the work I need for collaboration requires more experienced designers. I sometimes mentor Junior Designers on their own project work.

What “pains” do you usually have during the hiring process & collaboration?

It’s important to be clear about expectations and turnaround times as everyone has a different pace of working. I try to make sure that the work ethos and performance standards are similar in collaboration.

What do you value the most when working with other Designers?

Accountability is key. Honesty, dependability, and good regular communication on the project status as well.

Were there any failures you had during the hiring process & collaboration with Designers?

In general, most collaborations have been positive experiences but there has been some negative ones too. I try to learn from them, and move on quickly. I’ve found it is really important that everybody is kept well briefed not only at the start; but also throughout a project – including a debriefing. I have also been hired as a collaborating Designer, so I appreciate when the Project Manager or Art Director provides a clear starting brief with regular reviews to help keep everything on track.

Are there any recommendations you’d love to give to other business owners on efficient hiring processes & collaboration?

I would always recommend having solid terms and conditions which cover payment terms and what’s expected on both sides. Also, allow plenty of notice (particularly in the busier summer months) so that the job isn’t too rushed for both sides!

Published online at Masterbundles November 2022

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